8/24/10 Telepathy
I’ve taken classes in energy healing, where you learn to trust your intuition, to read people’s energy, to focus those prickly and/or eerie sensations we all have so that you can direct them for someone’s health benefit. One of the ideas espoused by this one healer that I took workshops from, (Barbara Brennan) is that you don’t have to believe something is true, for it to be useful to you. That’s it. Don’t believe in psychic connections? Don’t believe in past lives? Don’t even believe in this energy healing crap? Fine. But if this session is useful to you (relaxing, calming, even caring or friendly), so be it. You don’t have to believe it’s true to derive a benefit. One of the most skeptical people I ever met was this IT computer person who was married to this total new age gal. He kind of repeated the phrases, “I’m not sure about any of this,” and “I really don’t know if I believe it,” as his mantras whenever our meditation group met. He and his gal pal were clearly attuned to each others’ needs, and except for his professed skepticism, this man seemed at home and a positive contributor to every meditation session and he seemed to really enjoy them.
Another skeptic I know has an amazing psychic bond with his daughter, who is a friend of mine. Truly, this pair knows each others’ thoughts and feelings, and can sense good or ill moods and health in each other from 3 hours away. He doesn’t believe in this stuff either.
Even skeptics out there can cite examples where they know who is on the phone before they pick up, or they know exactly what someone is going to say before they open their mouth. We are all so psychic all the time, reading each others’ thoughts and feelings and body language, that it’s a wonder sometimes we even need to speak.
I love when telepathy happens. My favorite kind is having a long conversation with someone I wish I knew, or whose book I’m reading, or even someone I think may not know me too well, or have my best interests at heart. Through having a conversation in my mind (okay, some might call it just an overactive imagination), I feel like I can reach a wiser, deeper place in myself, to learn from these authors or teachers that I don’t know, or to heal and transform issues in friendships that aren’t working well.
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