I wanted to focus on a theme of ecstasy (the euphoric feeling, not the drug) on a daily basis, as an exercise in being happy. Then it seemed like I should write about it and use this blog as a writing exercise/experiment. Being consistent has not been my strong suit, so don’t look for a daily ecstasy every day. But I will try. Or not. And the other thing is, sometimes a daily ecstasy is not pretty. Like in the book “The Lesbian Body” by Monique Wittig, she talks about puking, shitting, the banished places, the ferocities of love, as well as the shining positive things. Also, (another thought here) on how annoying crap can be funny and great.
8/9/10 list poem about abundance:
-the leaves in full-crowned, mature trees, hanging like fruity grape clusters.
-the branches that disease has lain bare, twigs fanning out like grey, purposeful capillaries.
-The zillion blades of grass, each fingering toward the sky.
-Everyone’s clothes on the bus, washed and fresh.
-Each pinpoint of blue in the sky, joining bodies, coupling with each other pinpoint of blue.
-The overnight rain, quenching all our thirsts.
-the grey vagaries of an office building – cubicles, cameras and carpets
-the worn and tattered magazines in the waiting area, the faces of famous men, their eyes brimming with entitlement.
-the cheap burls in the cubicle canvas, the flattened knots in the worn carpeting.
-the motes of dust.
-Clicks of a computer mouse, bits of information.
-coffee shops, beans, grains of ground coffee, grains of sugar,
-grains of sand in limestone, grains of silt on the murky riverbed.
-Paper that we use, sheets, reams, sheafs of it, boxes of it, bins of it with ink powdering off and fading, shredded straw bags of it with confidentialities whispered in tatters.
-the moments in time I remember, the moments I don’t remember, my wishes around time and remembrance, the wishes I haven’t made, the wishes that no one will ever make.
-grains of sand on the hot pavement at midday, minuscule and burning with something.
-workers passing on the streets, wearing skirts and slacks, their fingers and toes, their eyes, ears, tongues, teeth. The abundance of people who hold things together for all of us who believe that this is what is.
-(getting biblical) the lilies of the field. The hairs on your head. The hairs on everyone’s head, body, housepet, mammal, bird, insect. The spaces between hairs on all of the above.
-atoms of gases that we inhale and then exhale. The number of times these atoms have entered or exited a living being,
-The mathematical formulae that explain all this. The formulae we know, and the ones we don’t yet know.
-the atoms and molecules in space, around stars and explosive events. The beings who dream them. Our desires to visit them.
Abundance, I roll in it, flap my arms in it, make abundance grass cubicle coffee ground angels in it. It is not money, not anything to do with an imaginary system of trade.
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